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About SNL

Seton Night Live is Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School's largest social and fundraising event organized by your Home and School Association (HASA).


As the single most important fundraiser of the year, Seton Night Live is unique as 100% of the money raised is invested directly back to our children and school. Funding everything from library books, technology, playground equipment, field trips and fine arts programs, Seton Night Live is vital to enhancing the quality of our children's educational experience.


Last year, SNL's special focus was on the Blended Learning program.  Blended Learning is an integrative education program that combines online digital media with traditional classroom methods while allowing students to excel with individualized instruction specific to each student.  Over $29,000 was used for the technology and laptops to kick start this program for the Kindergarten, first and second grade.




This year, in addition to continuing support for technology enhancements for our children's learning, SNL proceeds continue to enhance the daily education experience for your child.  Our donors will also have the unique opportunity to make a legacy gift to the school by purchasing a letter to mount on the building which will finally and proudly display the school's name, Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School!


This year we look forward to continuing the commitment to excellence in the education and faith formation of our children. 


We are hoping for great success this year and hope to meet our goal of $100,000 raised for our students and school.  Make a gift to to our school today.  Any amount helps!  


Sponsorships and donations are imperative to the success of SNL.  If you are interested in becoming an event Sponsor or would like to donate an item, please contact Jeannie Tomkinson at or Katie Slee at

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